Top "Forceclose" questions

Feature used in Android OS to close running application and put it in so called Stop State when it does not work and does not receive any broadcasts.

How to force stop my android application programmatically?

I'd like to force stop my Android application when I click closeButton. This is my code. protected void onCreate(Bundle …

android forceclose termination
Android App Restarts upon Crash/force close

My android app is getting restarted after force close, through my entire application which consist of 20 activities, I am relying …

android crash stack forceclose
Recursive entry to executePendingTransactions

I have a MainDrawer to Fragment activity which has a layout for a nav drawer my and my main content …

android android-listview android-fragments forceclose
Restart service after force stop

I am developing an application which is used as application locker, an app which is able to protect other installed …

android android-service forceclose
How to close an android application?

There are many question regarding this topic but there is no clear answer. Although android's memory management is very solid, …

android forceclose
java.lang.RuntimeException: start failed

I am trying to record audio in one of my Activities using MediaRecorder. Part of the code is shown below. …

android android-permissions forceclose android-mediarecorder
"Failed to register input channel" - what is this caused by and how to fix this?

I've been getting the following error, reported via Market developer console by the users of my app: java.lang.RuntimeException: …

android user-interface forceclose
Application Force Closes On Startup

Well, I am trying to make an app that communicates with a socket I have set up, tested, and made …

android sockets android-activity forceclose
How to send crash reports to developer?

I develop android app but in some cases my app force close How can I send email to developer contains …

android crash-reports forceclose
Android MediaPlayer AudioStream AudioFlinger server died!, Fatal signal 11

I have two fragments (left and right) and getting in the left fragment a list of Radiostreams. By clicking on …

android media-player forceclose servicemanager audioflinger