How to force stop my android application programmatically?

user573566 picture user573566 · Feb 24, 2011 · Viewed 72.1k times · Source

I'd like to force stop my Android application when I click closeButton. This is my code.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


  this.closeButton = (Button)this.findViewById(;

  this.closeButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {


    public void onClick(View v) {





This finishes my application. If I go to Settings -> Applications -> Manage applications -> <my application name>, I can see the 'Force Stop' button is enabled. Does this mean my application was not stopped completely?

How can I finish my Android application completely and disable the 'Force Stop' button inthe 'Settings'? From my limited experience, when an 'Exception' (ex. NullPointerException) occurs in the application, it stops abnormally, looks like it finished completely, and the 'Force Stop' button looks disabled.


Ted Hopp picture Ted Hopp · Feb 24, 2011

Another way is


I don't think it's all that bad to do this, provided you put those calls in onDestroy(). (If you kill your process in the middle of event handling, all kinds of bad things—like the touch focus going into the ether—can happen.)

Nevertheless, you need a compelling reason to deviate from best practice, which is to just call finish() and let the OS take care of killing off your process when/if it needs to.