Top "Forceclose" questions

Feature used in Android OS to close running application and put it in so called Stop State when it does not work and does not receive any broadcasts.

How to empty or clear heap memory dynamically

My project is totally bases on images. I am using a gallery and a coverflow in my project and due …

android heap-memory forceclose
How to resume NSURLSession download process after app force-quit and app relaunch?

I have implemented NSURLSession for downloading fairly large files from our servers. Now as long as I'm working in foreground …

ios swift nsurlsession forceclose nsurlsessiondownloadtask
How To Detect When App Is Force Closed in Background Swift

If my app is running in the background, and I force close it, how can I get the app to …

ios swift forceclose
Http response error android

I am making a HTTP request to a cgi php server from android application to get json reponse. My application …

android http forceclose internet-connection
How to force close app such as system close on Android

I want to force close my app as Android system. Such as select below step on system. "Setting" -> "…

android forceclose