Top "Font-awesome" questions

Font Awesome is an iconic standalone vector font, initially developed for use with the Twitter Bootstrap front-end framework.

References to font (font-awesome) resources are not updated in yeoman/angular grunt build

I'm aware of the SO threads about this (I've linked them below), but unfortunately I couldn't solve this with them, …

angularjs gruntjs font-awesome bower bootstrap-sass
Font-awesome CDN JS showing as render-blocking on Pagespeed Insights

Instead of directly linking to the Font Awesome CSS, I am using the js from Font Awesome CDN to allow …

javascript css font-awesome pagespeed google-pagespeed
ng-cli 6 and font awesome icons not working

I am using font-awesome 4.70, angular 6.0.8, and cli 6.0.8(full versioning below) I am trying to replace our existing webpack process with …

angular font-awesome angular-cli-v6
Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node' with FontAwesome in React

I'm getting the following error whenever I try to use a FontAwesome spinner icon (with className='fa-spin') in React: Uncaught …

reactjs font-awesome
How can I add shadow to a fontawesome svg icons?

I'm using SVG FontAwesome icons in a simple HTML doc, and I want add shadows to them. So I tried …

font-awesome shadow
Font awesome icons in buefy

I'm trying to switch my project from bulma + jQuery to buefy. I load buefy, vue and font awesome from a …

vue.js font-awesome buefy
How to use Font Awesome 5 icons in Laravel 6

I already installed Fontawesome in my package.json. "devDependencies": { "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": "^5.11.2" , //etc. }, "dependencies": { "font-awesome": "^4.7.0" } and import it to my app.…

laravel font-awesome laravel-6 font-awesome-5 fontawesome-4.4.0
Loading FontAwesome via Webpack: Fonts do not load

I'm trying to understand how to load fonts via fontawsome when loading them through a scss file: this is my …

javascript webpack font-awesome urlloader angular-fontawesome
Add border around font-awesome (v5) icon

This question has been asked before in this post. But I don't think its still working with the new font-awesome …

css font-awesome font-awesome-5
Font Awesome icons have text-decoration issues inside links

I have a "ugly" issue with font-awesome, when I place a icon-link (icon inside a link) in front of a …

html css font-awesome text-decorations