Top "Font-awesome" questions

Font Awesome is an iconic standalone vector font, initially developed for use with the Twitter Bootstrap front-end framework.

cant display Font awesome icons?

I just have started using Font Awesome in my MVC application which already have Bootstrap. I need to use some … twitter-bootstrap font-awesome font-awesome-4 font-awesome-3.2
fontawesome error "Could not find one or more icon"

I followed But when use it like: import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core' …

vue.js font-awesome vuepress
How do I add Add text below font awesome icon Links?

I am trying to add some text under font-awesome Icons in my Blogger template. Here is the image of what …

html css fonts font-awesome blogger
How to configure font file output directory from font-awesome-webpack in webpack?

I just installed font-awesome-webpack. I import it using: require("font-awesome-webpack"); My webpack config includes the following in my module loaders …

javascript font-awesome webpack
Font Awesome accessibility issue. Use <em> tags instead of <i>

I am testing my HTML code markup compliance with accessibility standards: The following is …

html css font-awesome wcag2.0
Stop Angular Animation from happening on ng-show / ng-hide

In my AngularJS application I'm using fontawesome for my loading spinners: <i class="fa fa-spin fa-spinner" ng-show="loading">&…

angularjs animation font-awesome angularjs-animation
Font Awesome 5 whatsapp icon CSS style

I tried the below code to render whatsapp icon using font awesome 5: <i style="background-color: #25d366; color: white;" class="…

css font-awesome font-awesome-5
Upgrade process for fontawesome from 4 to 5

We contributed to font-awesome 5 (yea), and we are looking from moving from our existing icons (Symbol set) to font-awesome. Will …

upgrade font-awesome font-awesome-5
How to replace Glyphicons with FontAwesome in Bootstrap 3 without changing HTML?

I'm using Bootstrap 3 in my project and I'm using FontAwesome icons library instead of bundled Glyphicons. The problem is that …

twitter-bootstrap sass font-awesome compass glyphicons
react-select changing drop down indicator icon to font-awesome icon is not working

I am trying to change the icon used for the react-select multi select indictor to a font-awesome icon, but it …

reactjs font-awesome react-select