Top "Font-awesome" questions

Font Awesome is an iconic standalone vector font, initially developed for use with the Twitter Bootstrap front-end framework.

How to add hanging indent to the labels of a checkbox customized with custom icons in CSS?

I am trying to customize the look of my checkboxes using font-awesome and to have all the text of the …

html css checkbox font-awesome text-indent
Font Awesome 5 Choosing the correct font-family in pseudo-elements

I'm currently confused in using the icon in CSS pseudo-elements. There are 4 kind of font-family for fontawesome : Font Awesome 5 Free, …

css fonts font-awesome pseudo-element font-awesome-5
Icons not showing with Semantic UI

I am building Semantic UI with Gulp using this guide However, the problem is now that the icons are not …

css gulp icons font-awesome semantic-ui
Font Awesome 5 and Angular 5

I was using font-awesome npm package (which is Font Awesome 4.7 version) but I want to upgrade to Font Awesome 5. I've …

angular angular5 font-awesome font-awesome-5
FontAwesome 5 - Multi color icon

FontAwesome 5 offers thousands of icons that are built with SVG. This way, it's easy to color the entire icon by …

html css font-awesome font-awesome-5
How can I add Font Awesome to my Aurelia project using npm?

I have been following the Contact Manager tutorial and would like to add Font Awesome to the project. Here's what …

javascript font-awesome aurelia
How to integrate FontAwesome 5 Pro with React?

Could someone advice me on how to integrate FontAwesome 5 Pro with React? I know there are packages @fortawesome/react-fontawesome and …

reactjs font-awesome font-awesome-5
Use Font Awesome (5) icon in input placeholder text

I've come across many ways to solve this using Font Awesome < 5, but I can't seem to solve this in …

input font-awesome placeholder font-awesome-5
Some Font Awesome icons are not working

<div class="col-md-12"> <div style="margin-top: 5px"> <label> <a href="#"><i …

html font-awesome font-awesome-4
Strange underlines in font-awesome CSS

When I hover on font-awesome's icons (when they're stacked together) like below (see picture). I get these strange underlines. Any …

css hover font-awesome