Top "Fontawesome-4.4.0" questions

Font Awesome 4.4.0 is the newest version of font-awesome, the "iconic font and CSS toolkit". It comes with 66 new icons

How to create Angular JS ON-OFF Switch

I am trying to create ON-OFF switch by referring the link Here i can not use the FontAwesome reference in …

css angularjs angular-ui-bootstrap toggleswitch fontawesome-4.4.0
Add fontawesome icons into select2 V4 dropdown items

I am trying to display fontawesome icons in the Select2 v4 dropdown items. But the dropdown is displaying the html …

javascript jquery jquery-select2-4 fontawesome-4.4.0
How to use Font Awesome 5 icons in Laravel 6

I already installed Fontawesome in my package.json. "devDependencies": { "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": "^5.11.2" , //etc. }, "dependencies": { "font-awesome": "^4.7.0" } and import it to my app.…

laravel font-awesome laravel-6 font-awesome-5 fontawesome-4.4.0