Top "Flexbox" questions

CSS module for flexible layouts providing a broad range of options for aligning elements while eliminating the need for floats and tables.

how to create circle shape in react native with flex box

this is my component: const styles = { menuContainer: { flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column' }, menuItem: { flex: 1, borderRadius: ?? } } <View style={styles.menuContainer}> <…

react-native flexbox react-native-flexbox
display: flex; vs calc(); performance

I came up today in a discussion where I'm wondering what is the most performant way of having two div's …

html css performance flexbox calc
Why can't I style angular material stepper elements directly?

Here is a code example I've forked from the official angular documentation for stepper: In …

angular css flexbox angular-material-5
What's the difference between margin:auto and justify-content / align-items center?

To center both horizontally and vertically simultaneously, there are two simple options: First .outer { display:flex; } .inner { margin:auto; } Second .…

html css flexbox centering
Flexbox margin-top: auto not pushing item to bottom

I have want the UL to push to the bottom of the container for each item. I have margin-top:auto …

html css flexbox margins
How can I configure Autoprefixer in Angular 7

I'm using autoprefix in Angular 7 Project. But When I open the browser devtools and focus the element with class "simple-content", …

angular flexbox prefix autoprefixer vendor-prefix
Make QuillJS editor height 100%

In the below application I want Quill editor to fill the existing space within header and footer. I tried making …

javascript css flexbox quill
Use flexbox and maintain a 1:1 aspect ratio even though content is sized differently

There are a lot of questions on SO about maintaining the aspect ratio of an element (with flexbox or without). …

css responsive-design flexbox aspect-ratio
Flex direction: row-reverse in react-native

How can i reproduce flex-direction: row-reverse in React-Native? When in element' style i'm doing: flexDirection: 'row-reverse' i'm getting error: Invalid …

css react-native flexbox react-native-flexbox
Why does width and height of a flex item affect how a flex item is rendered?

An image in a flexbox that has a max-height style appears to render differently depending on whether it has its …

html css flexbox responsive-images