Top "Flexbox" questions

CSS module for flexible layouts providing a broad range of options for aligning elements while eliminating the need for floats and tables.

Flexbox Sticky Footer - 'Flex: 1' Not Working to Fill Height

I'm trying to test out the flexbox sticky footer method at the moment for a dynamic-height footer, something I've had …

html css flexbox sticky-footer
CSS Flexbox Responsive Layout and % widths

Using angular/flex-layout, I have a simple two-column layout. <div fxFlex fxLayout="row"> <div fxFlex="35%"> <!…

css angular flexbox angular-flex-layout
How can I slide the sidebar out of view and make the content flexbox resize to fill the void?

My flexbox layout is based on Philip Walton's Holy Grail Layout. I'm trying to create a slide in/slide out …

html css flexbox responsive
Materialize CSS sticky footer flex properties not working

When I apply the css properties shown for sticky footers for Materialize here, the height of my main element shoots …

css flexbox sticky-footer materialize
To center a div to page using flex layout - angular material 2

I want to make a card display in center to the page. When i put the class progress-wizard in a …

angular flexbox angular-material angular-flex-layout
Vertical text next to Horizontal Text react native?

I am basically trying to create something like this: Two boxes, the red one is vertical text and the blue …

css react-native flexbox vertical-text
Wrap children inside view React native

I have the following code: renderActionButtons(actionButtons){ let actionButtonsContent =, i) => { return <TouchableHighlight key={i} onPress={() =&…

css reactjs react-native flexbox react-native-flexbox