Top "Filestream" questions

In .NET framework filestream exposes a Stream around a file, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous read and write operations.

C# Download big file from Server with less memory consumption

I have a big file of memory size 42 mb. I want to download the file with less memory consumption. Controller …

c# stream filestream
Using FileStream.Seek

I am trying to work with FileStream.Seek to quickly jump to a line and read it. However, I am …

c# file search filestream seek
Why does StreamWriter overwrite my file?

I'm using SteamWriter to write something to a text file, however its overwriting the old data with the new data. …

c# filestream streamwriter
How to ensure all data has been physically written to disk?

I understand that .NET FileStream's Flush method only writes the current buffer to disk, but dependent on Windows' disk driver …

c# .net filestream flush
Fastest way to read file length C#

I am using fs.Length, where fs is a FileStream. Is this an O(1) operation? I would think this would …

c# .net filestream
System.IO.FileStream FileAccess vs FileShare

I've searched all over but can't find an answer to this question. I understand that FileAccess deals with file access …

c# filestream
How to read UTF-8 text from file using Qt?

I have some problems with reading UTF-8 encoded text from file. My version reads only ASCII characters. #include <QtCore&…

c++ qt utf-8 filestream
How to fgets() a specific line from a file in C?

So, I'm trying to find a way to fgets() a specific line in a text file in C, to copy …

c filestream fgets
Easiest way to read text file which is locked by another application

I've been using File.ReadAllText() to open a CSV file, but every time I forget to close the file in …

c# filestream text-files
FileStream Read/Write method's limitation

FileStream's read/write method can take only integer value as length. But FileStreamobject returns length in long. In this case, …

c# file methods size filestream