Top "Filestream" questions

In .NET framework filestream exposes a Stream around a file, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous read and write operations.

iTextSharp + FileStream = Corrupt PDF file

I am trying to create a pdf file with iTextSharp. My attempt writes the content of the pdf to a …

c# pdf itextsharp filestream memorystream
C equivalent to fstream's peek

I know in C++, you're able to peek at the next character by using: in.peek();. How would I go …

c filestream stdio peek
Close a filestream without Flush()

Can I close a file stream without calling Flush (in C#)? I understood that Close and Dispose calls the Flush …

c# filestream flush
How to append text in a QTextBrowser in QT?

I have created a QTextBrowser to display a large amount of data (actually displaying the run time log), which is …

c++ qt filestream qtextbrowser
Upload a file with encoding using FTP in C#

The following code is good for uploading text files, but it fails to upload JPEG files (not completely - the …

c# encoding ftp filestream
Delphi - MemoryStream or FileStream

I am downloading an EXE file from internet using Indy (idHTTP), and I can use memorystream or filestream to save …

delphi filestream indy memorystream idhttp
FileStream: used by another process error

I have two different modules that need access to a single file (One will have ReadWrite Access - Other only …

c# .net file-io filestream
Determining file extension given a FileStream

Is there any way to know the type of the FileStream. I have a function that takes a FileStream object …

c# filestream file-extension
StreamWriter doesn't write to a file that doesn't exist

I am making a level editor for my game, and most of it is working except... When I try to …

c# file-io xna filestream xna-4.0