Top "Filestream" questions

In .NET framework filestream exposes a Stream around a file, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous read and write operations.

Check SQL Server 2008 Filestream status

I'm using the SQL Server 2008 filestream feature in one of my projects, is there a way to check the filestream …

sql sql-server filestream
C# add text to text file without rewriting it?

Let's say I have the following code: StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite(Path)); sw.Write("Some stuff here"); sw.…

c# file filestream streamwriter
SQL Server 2008 FILESTREAM performance

I had some questions around the FILESTREAM capability of SQL Server 2008. What would the difference in performance be of returning …

performance sql-server-2008 filestream sqlfilestream
inotify - how to find out which user has modified file?

I'm looking for guidance on how to find out which user has modified a particular file. While inotify is great …

linux filesystems filestream inotify
Will closing a FileStream close the StreamReader?

If I use a FileStream to create a StreamReader, will the StreamReader close when I close the FileStream or will …

c# .net-3.5 filestream streamreader
C# - How do I read and write a binary file?

How do I read a raw byte array from any file, and write that byte array back into a new …

c# filestream binaryfiles
What's the difference between FileStream.Flush() and FileStream.Flush(True)?

MSDN says that FileStream.Flush(True) "also clears all intermediate file buffers.". What does "all intermediate file buffers" mean exactly?

c# .net filestream
How can I detect if a .NET StreamReader found a UTF8 BOM on the underlying stream?

I get a FileStream(filename,FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read,FileShare.ReadWrite) and then a StreamReader(stream,true). Is there a …

c# utf-8 filestream streamreader byte-order-mark
SQL Server 2008: Unable to remove a FileStream File and Filegroup

With SQL Server 2008 SP1, I've removed the only table that had a Filestream associated with it but each time I …

sql-server-2008 filestream
SQL Server FileStream - How to acquire files path

I'm working on this application where I need to upload large data files to my SQL Server DB, and I've …

sql sql-server database filestream sqlfilestream