Top "File-not-found" questions

An error, exit status, or exception that indicates that the file denoted by a specified pathname could not be found.

getting file not found error in ios

Hi I am new to iOS development. Here is my problem. I am given a mac machine with 10.6.X and …

ios xcode sharekit file-not-found
aapt not found when building new Android app in NetBeans

I just installed NetBeans and the Android SDK following the instructions here. I am running Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic). NetBeans is 6.7.1. The …

android netbeans file-not-found aapt
import "cocos2d.h" works in some files, but not all

Here is what I did: In Xcode 4.3.1 File -> New -> Project -> Single view application Dragged …

objective-c xcode import cocos2d-iphone file-not-found
404 not found - but most certainly on server

Hello, I am getting this 404 not found error, while the file is most certainly on the server. All other files …

html http-status-code-404 directory file-not-found