404 not found - but most certainly on server

Isaiah picture Isaiah · Oct 10, 2015 · Viewed 7.1k times · Source


I am getting this 404 not found error, while the file is most certainly on the server. All other files can be found, but I tried adding an icon folder and since then every file I upload to my server cannot be found by my browser.
How is this possible and can this be fixed?

Kind regards,

Isaiah van Hunen

P.S. You are of course free to visit my website and possibly find out what's going on. Maybe some bad setting? I didn't change any though.

  1. Via directadmin (FTP shows the same),

Via directadmin

  1. Directly on my website

Directly on my website


nicasi0 picture nicasi0 · Oct 10, 2015

Have you try to give the folder the right permissions so it can be used via the web ? Also what type of server are you running this on ?
