Top "File-not-found" questions

An error, exit status, or exception that indicates that the file denoted by a specified pathname could not be found.

OPTIONS request authentication

I am developing a web application. It is using Basic authentication. It must process OPTIONS requests. These are web browser …

http file-not-found http-options-method preflight
AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h file not found

When I create an iOS project,and "Build Phases -> Link binary with Libraries", I add the AVFoundation.framework …

iphone ios objective-c avfoundation file-not-found
Why can't Matlab see my function?

My function is definitely working; it's tested and was at one point being recognized. Here's the function prototype: function [X …

function matlab file-not-found
ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, Google Chrome Extension

Im trying to build google chrome extension. Below is my manifest file; I searched every where and took every step …

javascript google-chrome google-chrome-extension file-not-found
FileNotFoundException: "Could not load file or assembly" although assembly exists

I am trying to create a custom membership and role provider. The code for this seems to be fine, but …

visual-studio dependencies ide filenotfoundexception file-not-found
external framework File/File.h (Parse/Parse.h) file not found

So every time I update my app, Xcode claims not to be able to find a particular external framework even …

ios parse-platform ios8 xcode6 file-not-found
Can't read file from a C++ program on a Mac

First of all, this is part of my code: .... string input; getline(cin, input); ifstream openFile;…

c++ file-io readfile file-not-found
Cordova - Android - File not found error

When I run the command - cordova emulate android, I get the following error: CordovaActivity: /* Licensed to the Apache Software …

android cordova assets file-not-found
PyInstaller: a module is not included into --onefile, but works fine with --onedir

I'm using PyInstaller to bundle my application into one .exe file. The problem is that it works fine with --onedir …

scikit-learn pyinstaller file-not-found
Not Found Error in NodeJS

I am new in NodeJS and I am trying to build an ecommerce application. I have readymade design and all …

javascript angularjs node.js ejs file-not-found