Top "Feature-detection" questions

Feature detection is a process in computer vision that aims to find visual features within the image with particular desirable properties.

Detect boundaries of a document in an image using opencv java

I want to detect the 4 corners of the document in android. Iam using opencv library. Iam using the following approach- (1) …

java android opencv image-processing feature-detection
Extract one object from bunch of objects and detect edges

For my college project I need to identify a species of a plant from plant leaf shape by detecting edges …

c++ opencv image-processing feature-detection edge-detection
Android auto crop camera captured images

I am looking for some kind of auto trim/crop functionality in android. Which detects a object in captured image …

android image-processing crop feature-detection
Harris corner detection and localization in OpenCV with Python

I'm using the following code to try to detect corners of polylines in order to 'measure' the lines. The code …

python opencv feature-detection corner-detection
feature detectors and descriptors comparison

There are several kinds of detectors and descriptors, like SIFT, SURF, FAST. I wonder are they all eligible for real-time …

image-processing feature-detection
General approach to developing an image classification algorithm for Dilbert cartoons

As a self-development exercise, I want to develop a simple classification algorithm that, given a particular cell of a Dilbert …

python machine-learning computer-vision classification feature-detection
OpenCV filtering ORB matches

I am using the ORB feature detector to find matches between two images using this code: FeatureDetector detector = FeatureDetector.create(…

java opencv feature-detection orb
How to black out everything outside a circle in Open CV

I am currently trying to black out everything outside a circle. I am drawing the circle using the following lines …

opencv image-processing feature-detection
OpenCV FAST - too many features

I'm trying to extract features so I can later train a SVM which will be used in Android app. I'm …

python opencv feature-detection keypoint
Modernizr checks that exclude IE6, IE7, IE8 or IE at all, that identify iOS devices

Are there any checks (or combinations of checks) I can run with Modernizr where: IE6 fails, but higher versions do …

javascript jquery browser-detection feature-detection modernizr