Top "Keypoint" questions

In computer vision field a keypoint is an interest point detected by the SIFT algorithm.

What are keypoints in image processing?

When using OpenCV for example, algorithms like SIFT or SURF are often used to detect keypoints. My question is what …

opencv image-processing sift surf keypoint
OpenCV return keypoints coordinates and area from blob detection, Python

I followed a blob detection example (using cv2.SimpleBlobDetector) and successfully detected the blobs in my binary image. But then …

python opencv image-processing blob keypoint
Visualizing OpenCV KeyPoints

I am learning OpenCV and at the moment I am trying to understand the underlying data stored in a KeyPoint …

opencv visualization keypoint
ucrtbase.dll: An invalid parameter was passed to a function that considers invalid parameters fatal

I'm currently working on a personal project with OpenCV and I have a few issues during the execution of the …

windows opencv visual-studio-2015 sift keypoint
convert keypoints to mat or save them to text file opencv

I have extracted SIFT features in (opencv open source) and they are extracted as keypoints. Now, I would like to …

c++ opencv vector mat keypoint
OpenCV FAST - too many features

I'm trying to extract features so I can later train a SVM which will be used in Android app. I'm …

python opencv feature-detection keypoint
drawing a line between feature points without using "drawmatches" function

I got the feature points from two consecutive by using different detectors in features2d framework: In the first frame, …

opencv feature-detection keypoint