Modernizr checks that exclude IE6, IE7, IE8 or IE at all, that identify iOS devices

ezmilhouse picture ezmilhouse · Apr 4, 2011 · Viewed 7.7k times · Source

Are there any checks (or combinations of checks) I can run with Modernizr where:

  • IE6 fails, but higher versions do not fail?
  • IE7 fails, but higher versions do not fail?
  • IE8 fails, but higher versions do not fail?

  • all IEs fail?

  • all browsers fail, but iOS devices do not fail?

  • all browsers fail, but Android devices do not fail?

I want to use Modernizr to check browsers, devices based on feature detection instead of User Agent sniff?

CLOSED - thx, got the message

thx, ez


Gcoop picture Gcoop · Apr 4, 2011

The whole point in feature detection is to be agnostic of browsers and your application/website should enhance/degrade based on the existence of a feature not the existence of a browser.

The reason we browser detect for MS is because you may need to use CSS workarounds to avid known css display bugs, which is separate from feature detection. For this kind of browser detection checkout HTML5 boiler plate.