Feature detection is a process in computer vision that aims to find visual features within the image with particular desirable properties.
I would like to know, if there is any implementation for HOG descriptor for objects like "cars" and NOT for …
matlab image-processing feature-detection object-detection matlab-cvstI am working on a fingerprint recognition system and have completed the step in feature extraction. I have two sets …
image matlab image-processing feature-detection matlab-cvstI have an image with a equilateral triangle and a rectangle: And I want to detect 3 corner of the triangle …
opencv image-processing feature-detection corner-detectionI'm trying to detect a shape (a cross) in my input video stream with the help of OpenCV. Currently I'm …
c++ opencv video feature-detectionI got the feature points from two consecutive by using different detectors in features2d framework: In the first frame, …
opencv feature-detection keypointI was trying to implement the FREAK Descriptor in Python using Opencv. Here is the code i'm using: def surf_…
python opencv feature-detection freak