Top "Factory-boy" questions

A test fixtures replacement for Python based on thoughtbot's factory_girl for Ruby (Python).

TypeError: <lambda>() missing 1 required positional argument:

I'm trying to populate my Django project with some random data using factory_boy and faker. However, when I try …

python django lambda factory-boy
Is passing too many arguments to the constructor considered an anti-pattern?

I am considering using the factory_boy library for API testing. An example from the documentation is: class UserFactory(factory.…

python factory-boy
Factory Boy random choice for a field with field option "choices"

When a field in a Django model has the option choices, see Django choices field option, it utilises an iterable …

python django factory django-testing factory-boy
Many-to-many relationship in factory_boy?

I'm trying to test a many-to-many relationship between two Django models using factory_boy. The factory_boy documentation doesn't appear …

unit-testing django-testing factory-boy
How Can You Create an Admin User with Factory_Boy?

I'm a relative Django beginner and just started doing some testing for my projects. What I want to do is …

python django selenium factory-boy
How to use Faker from Factory_boy

Factory_boy uses fake-factory (Faker) to generate random values, I would like to generate some random values in my Django …

python django factory faker factory-boy