Top "Django-testing" questions

Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.

Django Reverse with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found

Hi I have an infuriating problem. I have a url pattern like this: # mproject/ url(r'^project/(?…

django django-testing
django test app error - Got an error creating the test database: permission denied to create database

When I try to test any app with command (I noticed it when I tried to deploy myproject using fabric, …

python sql django postgresql django-testing
How should I write tests for Forms in Django?

I'd like to simulate requests to my views in Django when I'm writing tests. This is mainly to test the …

python django django-testing
Django : Testing if the page has redirected to the desired url

In my django app, I have an authentication system. So, If I do not log in and try to access …

python django django-testing
Testing email sending in Django

I need to test that my Django application sends e-mails with correct content. I don't want to rely on external …

python django email smtp django-testing
how to get request object in django unit testing?

I have a function as def getEvents(eid, request): ...... Now I want to write unit test for the above function …

python django django-testing
Django's self.client.login(...) does not work in unit tests

I have created users for my unit tests in two ways: 1) Create a fixture for "auth.user" that looks roughly …

django unit-testing django-authentication django-testing
Selenium: Element not clickable ... Other Element Would Receive Click

When running Selenium tests on my Django project, I've started to get the error: selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Element …

python django selenium selenium-webdriver django-testing
Writing test cases for django models

Half way through my current project, after suffering the pain of spending uncountable minutes on debugging, I have decided to …

python django django-models django-testing
Is APITest with Query params different then just normal url?

I'm writing some unit tests against an API that either returns all the books, or only returns the books of …

django unit-testing django-rest-framework django-testing