Is passing too many arguments to the constructor considered an anti-pattern?

skamsie picture skamsie · Jun 2, 2015 · Viewed 15.3k times · Source

I am considering using the factory_boy library for API testing. An example from the documentation is:

class UserFactory(factory.Factory):
    class Meta:
        model = base.User

    first_name = "John"
    last_name = "Doe"

For this to work, we need first_name, last_name, etc to be passed as parameters to the __init__() method of the base.User() class. However, if you have many parameters this leads to something like:

class User(object):

    GENDER_MALE = 'mr'
    GENDER_FEMALE = 'ms'

    def __init__(self, title=None, first_name=None, last_name=None, is_guest=None,
             company_name=None, mobile=None, landline=None, email=None, password=None,
             fax=None, wants_sms_notification=None, wants_email_notification=None,
             wants_newsletter=None, street_address=None):

        self. title = title
        self.first_name = first_name
        self.last_name = last_name
        self.company_name = company_name = mobile
        self.landline = landline = email
        self.password = password
        self.fax = fax
        self.is_guest = is_guest
        self.wants_sms_notification = wants_sms_notification
        self.wants_email_notification = wants_email_notification
        self.wants_newsletter = wants_newsletter
        self.company_name = company_name
        self.street_address = street_address

Now the question is, is this construction considered anti-pattern, and if yes, what alternatives do I have?



Graipher picture Graipher · Jan 1, 2019

In Python 3.7, dataclasses (specified in PEP557) were added. This allows you to only write these arguments once and not again in the constructor, since the constructor is made for you:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class User:
    title: str = None
    first_name: str = None
    last_name: str = None
    company_name: str = None
    mobile: str = None
    landline: str = None
    email: str = None
    password: str = None
    fax: str = None
    is_guest: bool = True
    wants_sms_notification: bool = False
    wants_email_notification: bool = False
    wants_newsletter: bool = False
    street_address: str = None

It also adds a __repr__ to the class as well as some others. Note that explicitly inheriting from object is no longer needed in Python 3, since all classes are new-style classes by default.

There are a few drawbacks, though. It is slightly slower on class definition (since these methods need to be generated). You need to either set a default value or add a type annotation, otherwise you get a name error. If you want to use a mutable object, like a list, as a default argument, you need to use dataclass.field(default_factory=list) (normally it is discouraged to write e.g. def f(x=[]), but here it actually raises an exception).

This is useful where you have to have all those arguments in the constructor, because they all belong to the same object and cannot be extracted to sub-objects, for example.