The Facebook SDK for Android helps Android app developer implement Facebook functionality into their Android apps.
Warning: I removed a lot of "old text" to keep the question more clean. Just check the history if needed. …
android facebook proguard facebook-android-sdkI am trying to login to facebook once the user clicks on a button and then once successfully logged in, …
android facebook-graph-api android-activity facebook-android-sdk facebook-java-apiI'm following the Facebook tutorial for Android Developers. Right here: Number 1 clearly says to change Number 2 to my "APP_ID" …
android facebook facebook-android-sdk app-idI have a problem when I want to compile my app: UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added` It …
android gradle android-studio facebook-android-sdk android-appcompatSo I am in the process of Maven-ing the facebook-android-sdk to include in our CI process. facebook/pom.xml: <?…
android maven facebook-android-sdk pom.xml android-maven-pluginHow do I find out the version of the current SDK is installed or referenced by my application? I have …
facebook facebook-android-sdkI've been searching over the developers.facebook website looking for a way to use the new SDK and send FQL …
android facebook-fql facebook-android-sdk