Top "Facebook-android-sdk" questions

The Facebook SDK for Android helps Android app developer implement Facebook functionality into their Android apps.

How to get facebook profile picture of user in facebook SDK 3.0 Android

i am using facebook SDK 3.0 i have to get profile picture of user login. Here is the code I use: …

android facebook facebook-android-sdk
Error inflating class com.facebook.widget.LoginButton

I have built a Facebook integration using the steps from the 3.0 documentation. It works fine in when I deploy the …

android facebook-android-sdk
moving android SDK installation folder

I have installed my Android SDK in Program Files (x86). But due to some reason I want to move it …

android adt facebook-android-sdk
ASP.NET Web API and Identity with Facebook login

In the Facebook authentication flow for ASP.NET Identity, the Facebook OAuth dialog appends a code rather than an access …

facebook facebook-android-sdk facebook-ios-sdk
Facebook Login button: apply custom style

i'm facing a strange problem by using new Facebook android sdk 4. With older sdk version i was using: <com.…

android facebook facebook-android-sdk
How to solve Facebook tools:replace="android:theme"?

I have compile '' My manifest: <manifest xmlns:android="…

android facebook facebook-android-sdk
Android FB API 3.0 - set permissions only once

I'm trying to figure out how new API works, so I've managed to understand the concept, and managed to do …

android facebook facebook-android-sdk
Android facebook sdk does not call callback after login

Help, I am trying to make a class that handles facebook login in my application. My problem is it doesnt …

android facebook facebook-android-sdk
Get Read and Publish Permissions in one request

Before you all say it's not possible, open up the Spotify app and hit the signin with Facebook button. I'm …

android facebook facebook-android-sdk android-facebook
Get publish_action permission after getting read permissions from Facebook

I'm integrating Facebook log in in my application. I'm able to get the read permissions but how to get publish …

android facebook facebook-android-sdk facebook-authentication