Top "Facebook-android-sdk" questions

The Facebook SDK for Android helps Android app developer implement Facebook functionality into their Android apps.

Could not find Facebook SDK.apk

Hey I know this was asked before, but none of the solutions seem to help. This is NOT a duplicate …

android eclipse facebook-android-sdk
Facebook Android SDK 3.0 always returns OPENING when logging in

I followed the instructions at When I touch the "Log In"-button, …

android facebook session facebook-android-sdk
Something similar to Cocoa Pods and Bundler for Android (for dependencies)?

is there anything similar to bundler (ruby) and cocoa pods (ios) for managing dependencies in Android?

android facebook-android-sdk
Facebook authentication to my server using Android

I'm building an application with the following blocks: Android - Client Side, Java Servlets - Sever Side, Facebook app - …

android facebook servlets facebook-android-sdk
Retrieve profile picture using Facebook SDK 3.0 for Android

I've following problem with Facebook SDK 3.0 for Android. I wanna get my (and my friends) profile picture without using their …

android facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-android-sdk
How do I simply share content on Facebook wall using its Android SDK?

I cannot find many examples of the FB + Android SDK and the samples are not simple enough(some of them …

android facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-android-sdk facebook-wall
Sharing a wall post by facebook android sdk

Hi I am new to android programming. I want to share a image with some description on facebook. I have …

android facebook-android-sdk facebook-sdk-3.0
How to get current access token in Facebook Android SDK V4?

I want to check whether the user is logged in or not within the main FragmentActivity but although the user …

android facebook facebook-login facebook-android-sdk facebook-access-token
Invite Friend Request using new Android SDK 3.0

I am using the new Facebook SDK 3.0 that just released on Android. I want to let the user invite his/…

android facebook facebook-android-sdk fbdialogs
Error code 2500 Facebook graph api

I do not understand why this query does not work in android and "Graph Api Explorer" if it 111891332274505?fields=albums.…

android facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-android-sdk facebook-sdk-3.0