Top "Extjs5" questions

Sencha Ext JS (JavaScript Framework for Rich Desktop Apps)

EXTJS 5 : How to sort grid column in EXT JS 5

I recently updated version of EXT JS to 5 and and override of doSort function no longer works. Someone an idea …

javascript extjs extjs5
Query for child component with a specific xtype

Is there a method to query for a child component of xtype 'yourxtype' ? For example you have a panel, and …

extjs extjs5
ExtJs 5 grid store/viewmodel binding: Cannot modify ext-empty-store

I'm pulling my hair out on this one... I have a view with some grids, a store and a viewModel. …

binding viewmodel extjs5
ExtJS Remove item of a store

In a extjs app I have a tree panel that reads an json file, in the tree panel i have …

javascript extjs extjs5
Sencha Cmd build - Failed creating background process

I'm trying to build extjs5 application with Cmd v5.0.0.160. I have ruby2.0 installed and sencha cmd on my PATH var. …

extjs sencha-cmd extjs5
ExtJS 6 - How to upload a file without using form?

Ext JS provides fileuploadfield which is bundled with a button to browse local files. I just need to upload a …

extjs extjs4 extjs5 extjs6 extjs6-classic
ExtJs 5.1.0 - Unrecognized class name / alias: widget.cartesian

I want to show a stacked area chart in a new window. The enviroment is the ExtJs Webdesktop. When I …

javascript charts extjs5
EXTJS 5 - Date picker year and month only

I guess this question has been asked a lot (as I found a few topics about it), but I still …

javascript extjs datepicker extjs5
ExtJS 5.1.1 Immediately fire binding in ViewModel

Seems like i have some misunderstanding with binding timings. I have a simple combobox with value binded to some object …

javascript extjs mvvm data-binding extjs5
Extjs 5. Ext.application is not a function. Why?

I get an error in console: Ext.application is not a function. My index.html file contains this code: ... <…

extjs extjs5