Top "Extjs5" questions

Sencha Ext JS (JavaScript Framework for Rich Desktop Apps)

ExtJS Grid slow with 3000+ records

I am using ExtJS Grid and its getting pretty slow with 3000+ records. Sorting takes about 4 seconds. I am thinking maybe …

javascript extjs extjs4 extjs5
How to use Ext5 combobox with data bindings

I want to use a combobox which receives the preselected value from a data binding and also the possible options …

extjs binding combobox store extjs5
ExtJs5: Call Controller 2's method from Controller 1

I am trying my hands on the new ExtJs 5. I have created a small app as per the defined MVC …

javascript extjs model-view-controller extjs5
Grid Widget column - on widget change, how to update grid store

I have a requirement to display combobox and datefield in Grid columns. So used widgetcolumn and created grid with those …

extjs extjs5