EXTJS 5 - Date picker year and month only

JkSuf picture JkSuf · Jan 27, 2015 · Viewed 8.7k times · Source

I guess this question has been asked a lot (as I found a few topics about it), but I still don't really know how to render a date picker, by only displaying month and year. I think I can do this differently:

  • Create my own cuctom component (but I think my knowledge of Extjs is not good enough to be able to create a component which displays the month and year, and, when clicked, renders a year and month picker.
  • Use some code found on google which creates a plugin (but I dont know how to use plugins in extjs ^^").
  • Use a third library year and month picker to add in my extjs application.

Could you guys please guide me through what I should select, and give me any links I can refer to ?

Thanks in advance !


Igor Semin picture Igor Semin · Jan 27, 2015

Sencha don't have this component, but something like this we are get it

Ext.define('Ext.form.field.Month', {
    extend: 'Ext.form.field.Date',
    alias: 'widget.monthfield',
    requires: ['Ext.picker.Month'],
    alternateClassName: ['Ext.form.MonthField', 'Ext.form.Month'],
    selectMonth: null,
    createPicker: function() {
        var me = this,
            format = Ext.String.format;
        return Ext.create('Ext.picker.Month', {
            pickerField: me,
            ownerCt: me.ownerCt,
            renderTo: document.body,
            floating: true,
            hidden: true,
            focusOnShow: true,
            minDate: me.minValue,
            maxDate: me.maxValue,
            disabledDatesRE: me.disabledDatesRE,
            disabledDatesText: me.disabledDatesText,
            disabledDays: me.disabledDays,
            disabledDaysText: me.disabledDaysText,
            format: me.format,
            showToday: me.showToday,
            startDay: me.startDay,
            minText: format(me.minText, me.formatDate(me.minValue)),
            maxText: format(me.maxText, me.formatDate(me.maxValue)),
            listeners: {
                select: {
                    scope: me,
                    fn: me.onSelect
                monthdblclick: {
                    scope: me,
                    fn: me.onOKClick
                yeardblclick: {
                    scope: me,
                    fn: me.onOKClick
                OkClick: {
                    scope: me,
                    fn: me.onOKClick
                CancelClick: {
                    scope: me,
                    fn: me.onCancelClick
            keyNavConfig: {
                esc: function() {
    onCancelClick: function() {
        var me = this;
        me.selectMonth = null;
    onOKClick: function() {
        var me = this;
        if (me.selectMonth) {
            me.fireEvent('select', me, me.selectMonth);
    onSelect: function(m, d) {
        var me = this;
        me.selectMonth = new Date((d[0] + 1) + '/1/' + d[1]);


Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Month', {
    format: 'F, Y',
    renderTo: Ext.getBody()

Fiddle example