Top "Extjs" questions

Sencha Ext JS is a JavaScript framework for building rich Internet applications (RIAs).

ExtJS 4: Models with Associations and Stores

Introduction I'm facing an application design problem with the class in ExtJS. I will try to develop …

extjs data-modeling store model-associations
Better way to call superclass method in ExtJS

All the ExtJS documentation and examples I have read suggest calling superclass methods like this: MyApp.MyPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.…

javascript extjs extend extjs3 superclass
extjs - how correctly call a controller method from another controller or closure

I'm new to extjs and I'm using the MVC architecture. When my application references a method of a controller, I …

extjs controller closures extjs4.2
extJS RadioGroup setValue() function

I have created RadioGroup using the code var radios = new Ext.form.RadioGroup({ columns : 2, items: [ {boxLabel: 'E-Mail', name: 'communication', inputValue: 1}, {…

extjs radio-group setvalue
How to break or continue Ext.each

Ext.each(boundsExtend, function(value) { if(value != record.ID) break; }); So how do I break or continue Ext.each loop?

extjs change grid cell background based on value

I applied a renderer to my grid-column, but the background color is not changing: renderer: function(value, meta) { if (parseInt(…

extjs colors background grid cell
How i can create context menu for extjs grid

I can create context menu for tree and attach to 'contextmenu' event. Code: contextMenu = new{ items: [{ text: …

extjs grid contextmenu
AngularJS VS ExtJS

After reading the tutorials for both technologies AngularJS makes the HTML code much more easy to read. My only concern …

angularjs extjs
ExtJs - Get element by div class?

How do I get the ExtJs component object of a Div by class name? Say my div is: <div …

extjs extjs4.1
How to create custom ExtJS form field component?

I want to create custom ExtJS form field components using other ExtJS components in it (e.g. TreePanel). How can …

forms extjs extjs4