Top "Extjs" questions

Sencha Ext JS is a JavaScript framework for building rich Internet applications (RIAs).

Extjs scrollable panel

I have a panel where I insert some HTML from the server: myPanel.update(response.responseText); But if this text …

extjs extjs4
How to add row double click event listener when extending grid panel with Ext.define()?

I am extending GridPanel with Ext.define() (Ext v4). I need to get the row data when a grid row …

javascript extjs gridpanel extjs4
Reloading a json store with new parameters ExtJs

I am currently having trouble of reloading a json store with new parameters. Here is my store: newsletters = new Ext.…

json extjs
Word-wrap grid cells in Ext JS

(This is not a question per se, I'm documenting a solution I found using Ext JS 3.1.0. But, feel free to …

extjs grid word-wrap
Extjs 4: Create an iFrame Window

I am in need of creating an iFrame Window in Extjs. Previously in ExtJS 3.x I would do this: bodyCfg: { …

javascript extjs extjs4
Call a function in an ExtJS XTemplate

I'm familiar with using a function to determine a specific condition using xtemplate but not sure how to directly call …

javascript extjs
Extjs 4 MVC loading a view from controller

Ok so I have a controller with a method in which I want to load a view. How do I …

model-view-controller extjs
how to show/ hide column in a extjs 3 grid panel

I have a grid panel i need to show / hide columns in a grid panel depending on the value of …

extjs extjs3
How do I force the display of a decimal in an ExtJS NumberField to a certain precision?

I have a form with a NumberField that gets values of type float from JSON. If the values happen to …

extjs extjs4 extjs3
How to send extra parameters when loading a store to a combobox in ExtJS 4?

How do I send extra parameters when using a store for a combobox in ExtJS 4? I know that I can …

javascript extjs extjs4 extjs4.1 extjs4.2