Top "Exists" questions

Exists is a keyword or function in many languages, especially in SQL.

NHibernate: CreateCriteria and Exists clause

How can I write the following SQL using CreateCriteria: SELECT * FROM FooBar fb WHERE EXISTS (SELECT FooBarId FROM Baz b …

nhibernate exists createcriteria
sql if exists update else insert not working

i have a table with 3 generic keys which are also foreign keys. This is my query -- IF (EXISTS(SELECT * …

mysql sql if-statement exists heidisql
check if a key exist firebase Android

I want to check if a key exist in the firebase db. so for example, I want to look for …

android key firebase exists not-exists
Is File.Exists an expensive operation?

Re: Does anyone know if this is a particularly …

.net file io exists
Actionscript3: Does variable exist?

I'm a little bit new to Actionscript, but I can't figure this one out. I've done a lot of searching …

flash actionscript-3 variables adobe exists
Drop if exists in netezza

I need a command to delete a table if that exists in NETEZZA, Something like that: drop table if exists …

if-statement exists netezza
If foreign key exists, drop it

I have a table that has a foreign key relation with another table. I want to check that if this …

sql foreign-keys exists sql-drop
Camel Throwing MethodNotFound for method that exists and is public

I'm testing a camel round but when I have the route try to access a particular method in a bean …

java apache-camel routes exists methodnotfound
when choose CROSS APPLY and when EXISTS?

I read, CROSS APPLY is just like JOIN.. and I think JOIN can be accomplished with EXISTS also (correlated sub …

sql sql-server join exists cross-apply
MYSQL - Difference between IN and EXIST

MySql question: What is the difference between [NOT] IN and [NOT] EXIST when doing subqueries in MySql.

sql mysql database exists