Top "Exists" questions

Exists is a keyword or function in many languages, especially in SQL.

Check if an include (or require) exists

How do you check if an include / require_once exists before you call it, I tried putting it in an …

php include exists require
C++ - Determining if directory (not a file) exists in Linux

How would I determine if a directory (not a file) existed using C++ in Linux? I tried using the stat() …

c++ linux directory exists
Delete files from directory if filename contains a certain word

I need to check a directory to see if there are any files whose file name contains a specific keyword …

c# file-io directory exists
Select columnValue if the column exists otherwise null

I'm wondering if I can select the value of a column if the column exists and just select null otherwise. …

sql sql-server select exists
Best way to check if a field exist in an Elasticsearch document

May be is a very stupid question, What is the best way to check if a field of a document …

elasticsearch field document exists
How to check if a directory/file/symlink exists with one command in Ruby

Is there a single way of detecting if a directory/file/symlink/etc. entity (more generalized) exists? I need a …

ruby file directory symlink exists
How To Check If A Method Exists At Runtime In Java?

How would one go about checking to see if a method exists for a class in Java? Would a try {...} …

java methods try-catch exists
Checking if a directory exists in Unix (system call)

I am not able to find a solution to my problem online. I would like to call a function in …

c++ c unix directory exists
If one of two elements exists, do something

I currently do this to check if one of two elements exists: if ($(".element1").length > 0 || $(".element2").length > 0) { //do …

jquery exists
is_file or file_exists in PHP

I need to check if a file is on HDD at a specified location ($path.$file_name). Which is the …

php file exists