Top "Not-exists" questions

NOT EXISTS works like EXISTS, except the WHERE clause in which it is used is satisfied if no rows are returned by the subquery.

Array.push() if does not exist?

How can I push into an array if neither values exist? Here is my array: [ { name: "tom", text: "tasty" }, { name: "…

javascript arrays json push not-exists
Add a column to a table, if it does not already exist

I want to write a query for MS SQL Server that adds a column into a table. But I don't …

sql-server add not-exists
MySQL Join Where Not Exists

I have a MySQL query that joins two tables Voters Households They join on voters.household_id and …

mysql join not-exists
Mysql select where not in table

I have 2 tables (A and B) with the same primary keys. I want to select all row that are in …

mysql join not-exists
Insert record into table if entry does not exist in another table- with an extra twist

Hi to all you mighty SQLsuperheros out there.. Can anyone rescue me from imminent disaster and ruin? I'm working with …

sql ms-access insert not-exists
How can I do an insert where not exists?

I'd like to combine an insert query with a "where not exists" so as not to violate PK constraints. However, …

sql sql-server insert not-exists
SQL - improve NOT EXISTS query performance

Is there a way I can improve this kind of SQL query performance: INSERT INTO ... WHERE NOT EXISTS(Validation...) The …

sql sql-server performance where-clause not-exists
NOT EXISTS clause in SQL

I have been stuck on a query and I am really not able to think how does the execution takes …

sql not-exists
How can I check whether a RabbitMQ message queue exists or not?

How can I check whether a message Queue already exists or not? I have 2 different applications, one creating a queue …

.net queue rabbitmq message-queue not-exists
MySQL monthly Sale of last 12 months including months with no Sale

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(date, "%b") AS month, SUM(total_price) as total FROM cart WHERE date <= NOW() and date &…

mysql sql zero monthcalendar not-exists