How can I check whether a RabbitMQ message queue exists or not?

Jigar Sheth picture Jigar Sheth · Aug 11, 2010 · Viewed 34.5k times · Source

How can I check whether a message Queue already exists or not?

I have 2 different applications, one creating a queue and the other reading from that queue.

So if I run the Client which reads from the queue first, than it crashes.
So to avoid that i would like to check first whether the queue exists or not.

here is the code snippet of how I read the queue:

QueueingBasicConsumer <ConsumerName> = new QueueingBasicConsumer(<ChannelName>); 
<ChannelName>.BasicConsume("<queuename>", null, <ConsumerName>); 
BasicDeliverEventArgs e = (BasicDeliverEventArgs)<ConsumerName>.Queue.Dequeue();


scvalex picture scvalex · Aug 11, 2010

Don't bother checking.

queue.declare is an idempotent operation. So, if you run it once, twice, N times, the result will still be the same.

If you want to ensure that the queue exists, just declare it before using it. Make sure you declare it with the same durability, exclusivity, auto-deleted-ness every time, otherwise you'll get an exception.

If you actually do need to check if a queue exists (you shouldn't normally need to), do a passive declare of the queue. That operation succeeds if the queue exists, or fails in an error if it doesn't.