Top "Excel-2007" questions

The Excel-2007 tag is used for referencing the Excel Version 2007 spreadsheet application from Microsoft.

How to create running total using Excel table structured references?

I'm looking for a way to create a running total (total of the current row and above) using Excel table …

excel excel-2007 excel-formula
how to disable compatibility check in excel while automating through c#

I am using Excel 2007 interop assembly to automate Excel through c#. Interop version is 12.0. When I try to save a …

c# automation excel-2007
Conditional Formatting by Expression using EPPlus

I'm trying to format some range by using conditional Formatting feature of EPPlus. I read many document but there is …

c# excel excel-2007 conditional-formatting epplus
Bugs in Excel's ActiveX combo boxes?

I have noticed that I get all sorts of annoying errors when: I have ActiveX comboboxes on a worksheet (not …

excel excel-2007 excel-2003 vba
Comparing two columns in Excel with exclusion

I want to compare values in two columns in Excel as depicted in the image below :- Using the formula, …

excel excel-2007 worksheet-function
Excel 2007/2010 color scale conditional formatting based on formula

Suppose I have the following table structure (A1:C3) A B C 1 H1 H2 H3 2 1 1 3 3 4 5 4 How can I apply a …

excel excel-2007 conditional-formatting
Excel VBA: PivotCaches.Create Type Mismatch

I used to work with vb a long time back (as part of the visual studio pkg) back in the …

excel excel-2007 pivot-table type-mismatch vba
How to make Excel strip ALL quotes from CSV text fields

When importing a CSV file into Excel, it only strips the double-quotes from the FIRST field on the line, but …

text import excel-2007 excel-2003
How can you format the result of a formula as s number

I'm using a formula in Excel 2007 to grab a mailbox size from a string. I'm stripping out all of the …

excel-2007 cell-formatting
ROW() function behaves differently inside SUM() and SUMPRODUCT()

Problem definition: Enter any number in cell A1. Now try the following formulae anywhere on first row. =SUM(INDIRECT("A"&…

excel excel-2007 excel-formula excel-2003