Top "Excel-2007" questions

The Excel-2007 tag is used for referencing the Excel Version 2007 spreadsheet application from Microsoft.

Excel "Refresh All" with OpenXML

I have an excel 2007 file (OpenXML format) with a connection to an xml file. This connection generates an excel table …

excel-2007 openxml office-2007 openxml-sdk
Have to save twice for CSV file

After I edit the existed CSV file, click save will prompt a message dialog "some feature in your workbook might …

excel excel-2007
c# excel dll - can't add a reference to the specified file - regasm

When deploying and registering a .Net Excel.dll on another computer, I get an error Can't add a reference to …

c# dll windows-vista excel-2007 regasm
Import Xml into excel: Invalid file reference/ Invalid characters (CData)

I'm having some problems importing an xml-file into excel. The xml looks as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> &…

xml import excel-2007 cdata invalid-characters
Excel ActiveX ComboBox onClick event

I am trying to use the ActiveX ComboBox in excel. Everything works fine to the point of being populated from …

vba excel excel-2007 activexobject
Simple C# Excel Add-In Ribbon Button to Color Cells

First, a big thank you to anyone that read this question and can help. I'm sing VS2010 and I've created …

c# visual-studio-2010 excel excel-2007 excel-addins
Connect to excel 2007 file using ADOConnection in Delphi7

I want to connect to an excel 2007 file(.xlsx) using delphi 7, so I used a AdoConnection and set its connectionstring …

delphi excel-2007 delphi-7 isam adoconnection