The pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and related frameworks.
I'm current developing an API on Node 12.14.1 and using Eslint to help me write the code. Unfortunately it does not …
javascript node.js eslint class-fieldsThere is one problem with @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars. So, we have type type SomeType = (name: string) => void; And we have @…
javascript reactjs typescript eslint typescript-eslintI want configure ESLint for check my JSX files but my configuration doesn't work. What is the correct way? .eslintrc.…
reactjs jsx eslintI've recently added the eslint rule no-param-reassign. However, when I use reduce to build out an object (empty object as …
javascript ecmascript-6 eslintI have a project setup with WebPack to use ESLint and I'm wanting to use ES7 for the inline bind …
webpack eslint ecmascript-7how can i turn the following alert into an acceptable alert for ESLint? svg.onerror = function() { alert("File cannot be …
javascript html alert onerror eslintToday I run eslint,two script "lint-staged": "lint-staged", "eslint": "eslint --ext .tsx,.ts --fix ./src -c .eslintrc.js", When I …
javascript eslint husky lint-stagedI am getting following error in VS Code: [vue/no-deprecated-slot-attribute] `slot` attributes are deprecated. eslint-plugin-vue I have these two plugin …
javascript vue.js ionic-framework eslint veturAfter eslint adds typescript check, there will be an error when the attribute variable in the class definition is Array. …
javascript typescript eslint tslintI use Prettier in JavaScript project with React. All my component props is formated in 1 line : <Icon icon="arrow-left" …
javascript reactjs eslint prettier