The pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and related frameworks.
I'm trying to use ESLint to enforce a coding style on a project and I have many errors Irregular whitespace …
javascript eslint js-beautifyMy eslint version is 4.18.2, it would give a warning like this: Unexpected unnamed function Expected an assignment or function call …
javascript eslint rulescreate-react-app v3.0.0 is out. It supports TypeScript linting internally. (That's nice!) I think I understand the situation where TSLint is …
reactjs typescript eslint create-react-appWhy is eslint throwing this error? The Javascript runs without issue inside of React Native. The code was taken from …
javascript reactjs react-native eslint class-fieldsI have created basic next.js app using "npx create-next-app" and .eslintrc.json file created to add eslint rules.but …
reactjs eslint next.jsSay I want to use this rule: however, I have about 15 files where I …
eslint eslintignore eslintrcAfter I have been upgrading my projects JS packages, an error has appeared when building my bundle with Webpack. It …
webpack babeljs eslint babel-loader eslintrcI traying setup my vim based typescript developing environment, but have an issue with indent management. Probably 'eslint' says: indent: …
javascript typescript vim eslint prettierI have a project that has both prettier and eslint installed. The problem is that when I save a file …
visual-studio-code eslint prettier react-tsxI am getting the error: A control must be associated with a text label. The piece of code is: <…
javascript reactjs eslint airbnb