The pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and related frameworks.
When I run npx create-react-app ..., a bare-bone React project is being created for me. When I then peek into package.…
javascript reactjs visual-studio-code create-react-app eslintI am using ESLint for my ES6 program, with the AirBNB rule-set. For good and adequate reasons, I am using …
ecmascript-6 eslint for-of-loopI am using ESLint in a project and want to use Facebook flow as well, But I am getting warnings …
javascript facebook reactjs eslint flowtypeSometimes when I startup VSCode and I save an JS file, everything gets messed up. example From: To: On save …
visual-studio-code eslint prettierI'm attempting to use Webpack 1.13.12 and eslint 3.11.0 and eslint-plugin-promise 3.4.0. I'm trying to use the answer in this question to get …
javascript ecmascript-6 es6-promise eslint superagentI have an Angular 10 app set up with eslint and prettier, which worked fine so far for linting Typescript files. …
angular typescript eslint typescript-eslintI've just started using Cypress with my React Typescript project. I've gotten some simple tests to run: describe('settings page', () =&…
reactjs eslint cypressI have monorepository managed by rush ( The structure of code is: As you see, there are two …
javascript visual-studio-code eslint monorepoI Created a React project using Create React Apps' Typescript template, added necessary plugins for ESLint 6.8.0 and configured ESLint and …
visual-studio-code eslint prettier-eslintI'm experimenting with ESLint in my workspace and I got little confused by the indent rule. Here is my rule …
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