Top "Entity-framework-migrations" questions

Migrations is a feature of Entity Framework that provides for detecting changes to a code(or database)-first model, and upgrading the database (or the model) schema based on those changes.

Why is there an Error in ef Add-Migration

I have several class files. Now I am adding a new model class and tried to type add-migration InitialCreate but …

entity-framework entity-framework-migrations
Foreign Key To Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework.IdentityUser?

I'm in VS 2013 and have just created an MVC application. I'm creating an object I intend to have a foreign …

c# entity-framework ef-code-first poco entity-framework-migrations
Where can I find the console or debug output from code executed in the package manager window?

I'm using EntityFramework code first with migrations. From the package manager console, I'm running "update-database". This executes Configuration.Seed(context) …

entity-framework ef-code-first nuget entity-framework-migrations
How can I change an int ID column to Guid with EF migration?

I'm using EF code-first approach and want to change the Id field to guid but can't seem to get past …

c# entity-framework entity-framework-migrations
Add Foreign Key Column In EF Core

I have an existing table Projects that I would like to add a UserId column to, where UserId is a …

entity-framework entity-framework-migrations ef-core-2.0
Entity Framework Core migration - connection string

I'm having a problem to handle the DB connection string in conjunction with migrations. I have 2 projects: Domain Application The …

c# .net-core entity-framework-core entity-framework-migrations
Automatic Migration vs Code-base Migration

I'm learning EF4.3 Migration, and I have read these two articles from team blog:…

entity-framework entity-framework-migrations
Using NuGet Package Manager console outside Visual Studio to run Entity Framework Migrations

Is there anyway to open NuGet Package Manager console outside Visual Studio ? My objective is to run some migrations, which …

visual-studio-2010 entity-framework-4 nuget entity-framework-migrations
Automate EF-Migrations "Update-Database -Script"

I'm using EF migrations to track changes to our EF code-first DB model. Now I need to generate one SQL-Script …

c# entity-framework powershell entity-framework-5 entity-framework-migrations
EF 4.3 Auto-Migrations with multiple DbContexts in one database

I'm trying to use EF 4.3 migrations with multiple code-first DbContexts. My application is separated into several plugins, which possibly have …

entity-framework-4 entity-framework-migrations