Migrations is a feature of Entity Framework that provides for detecting changes to a code(or database)-first model, and upgrading the database (or the model) schema based on those changes.
I am trying to create FULL TEXT index using Entity Framework Migration by executing custom Sql. My migration class looks …
sql-server-2012 entity-framework-6 entity-framework-migrations full-text-indexingWe have multiple developers working on a project that uses Entity Framework 5.0. Every developer uses his own local SQL 2012 database …
c# entity-framework migration collaboration entity-framework-migrationsI have created a Class Library project with the following .csproj: <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> <PropertyGroup&…
asp.net-core entity-framework-core entity-framework-migrations asp.net-core-1.1I have two database each with their own dbcontext. I've setup two migration configurations. I can add a migration for …
entity-framework code-first entity-framework-migrations multiple-databasesCode first migrations have been working very well for me. I have a services project and a wpf project. The …
entity-framework connection-string code-first entity-framework-migrations ef-model-firsti have somehow gotten my EF5 project into a state where I can't proceed. When I do an 'update-database' i …
entity-framework entity-framework-migrationsI saw a post today about implementing SqlAzureExecutionStrategy: http://romiller.com/tag/sqlazureexecutionstrategy/ However, all examples I can find of …
entity-framework azure-sql-database entity-framework-migrations entity-framework-6.1I'm using netcoreapp 2.1 with EF Core 2.1 and updating my database with data migrations and have come into a problem with …
c# .net-core entity-framework-migrations ef-core-2.1Is there any way to implement the Guid COMB identity strategy for objects in the new Entity Framework 4.1 using the …
c# entity-framework guid entity-framework-migrations newsequentialidI'm using Asp.Net Core 2.1, Mvc, c#, EF Core with Code First and Migrations. I'm trying to build a table …
asp.net-core entity-framework-migrations composite-primary-key asp.net-core-2.1 ef-core-2.1