Top "Entity-framework-migrations" questions

Migrations is a feature of Entity Framework that provides for detecting changes to a code(or database)-first model, and upgrading the database (or the model) schema based on those changes.

add-migration causing a "Could not load assembly" error

Here's what I am looking at PM> Add-Migration AddedSubdivion -StartUpProjectName Data -Verbose Using StartUp project 'Data'. Using NuGet project …

entity-framework entity-framework-migrations
How to manage Migrations in a project with multiple branches?

I have an ASP.NET MVC3 project that uses Entity Framework 4.3 with the code-first approach. I use Migrations to keep …

c# version-control entity-framework-4.3 entity-framework-migrations
Why does Entity Framework's EF Migrations Add-Migration step require a database connection string?

I am trying to use and understand EF Migrations (using EF 4.3.1, Code First). In order to scaffold a new change, …

entity-framework-4 entity-framework-4.3 entity-framework-migrations
Update-Database tries to do an automatic migration even with automatic migrations disabled

I work on a team of 4 developers using EF5, everyone working on their own local database. Up until now we've …

entity-framework entity-framework-migrations
How to seed data using EntityFramework Code first Migrations

Hi I'm using the Beta 1 version of this nuGet package, the database is allready created and I need to know … entity-framework ef-code-first entity-framework-migrations
How to seed data with many-to-may relations in Entity Framework Migrations

I use entity framework migration (in Automatic migration mode). Everything is okay, but I have one question: How should I …

entity-framework ef-code-first entity-framework-migrations
Unable to generate explicit migration (EF5) (migrations pending)

We are using Code-first migrations with EF5 on (localdb)\v11.0 (Vstudio 2012) and everything has worked nicely so far. However - …

entity-framework indexing entity-framework-migrations localdb
Entity Framework Migrations can't drop table because of foreign key constraint

I have reverse-engineered the existing database to the code-first model. Some tables are to be kept but most are to …

entity-framework entity-framework-migrations
Confusion over EF Auto Migrations and seeding - seeding every program start

I recently changed an application from using the following for dev: DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<Context> To using: public class MyDbMigrationsConfiguration: …

entity-framework ef-code-first entity-framework-4.3 entity-framework-migrations
XML columns in a Code-First application

I'm trying to create an XML column in Code First. I'm well aware Entity Framework doesn't fully support XML columns, …

c# xml ef-code-first entity-framework-migrations