Migrations is a feature of Entity Framework that provides for detecting changes to a code(or database)-first model, and upgrading the database (or the model) schema based on those changes.
I am using Entity Framework 5.0 Data migrations along with code first. When i add a new field to my model …
entity-framework entity-framework-migrationsI'm working with MVC 4 and I have to update my database using Code First Migrations. What I'm trying to do …
c# asp.net asp.net-mvc asp.net-mvc-4 entity-framework-migrationsI'm new to Entity Framework. I am trying to setup an MVC Application what uses EF 6. I am using Code …
asp.net-mvc entity-framework ef-code-first entity-framework-migrationsI have one project that I want to run my update-database against but I have my Models and Context in …
c# .net entity-framework asp.net-mvc-4 entity-framework-migrationsI am working on a project with ASP.NET CORE 1.0.0 and I am using EntityFrameworkCore. I have separate assemblies and …
c# asp.net-core entity-framework-core entity-framework-migrationsI have a Model in my project as below: public class Model { public int Id { get; set; } public long FromNo { …
c# visual-studio entity-framework entity-framework-5 entity-framework-migrationsI've recently started using Entity Framework migrations and noticed that the database name is not pulling through for me when …
entity-framework entity-framework-migrationsI'm just looking into using EF migrations for our project, and in particular for performing schema changes in production between …
.net entity-framework ef-code-first entity-framework-migrationsEntity Framework 4.1 Code First works great creating tables and relationships. Is it possible to create sql views or stored procedure …
c# entity-framework-4.1 entity-framework-migrations code-firstStarted to use the add-migration command in the package manager console to generate the migrations for my model. My question …
c# entity-framework code-first entity-framework-migrations