Top "Entity-framework-5" questions

The ADO.

How can I stop Entity Framework 5 migrations adding dbo. into key names?

I started a project using Entity Framework 4.3 Code First with manual migrations and SQL Express 2008 and recently updated to EF5 (…

entity-framework entity-framework-5
Consolidating EF migrations into new InitialCreate

I have been using EF migrations for some time now and have more than 100 migration files in my project. I …

entity-framework entity-framework-5 entity-framework-migrations
System.Data.Spatial DbGeography.Distance units?

When measuring the distance between two locations using the DbGeography.Distance(otherLocation) what is the unit of the distance? Even …

c# gps entity-framework-5 spatial
Tinyint(byte),SmallInt(Int16) not compatible with Enum in EF5

Using Database first design and having tinyint (or smallint) column: [MyEnumColumn] [tinyint] NOT NULL I mapped this column to Enum …

entity-framework-5 sqldatatypes
Force Entity Framework 5 to use datetime2 data type

Is it possible to globally set Entity Framework DbContext to use datetime2 for all properties that are System.DateTime when …

c# entity-framework ef-code-first entity-framework-5
Many to many relationships in EF5 Code First, how can I specify table name?

I'm quite new to EF, and I'm not really sure how to do this. I have a many-to-many relationship, exactly …

ef-code-first many-to-many entity-framework-5
Referenced table is not coming in my model through entity framework 5.0

I am using MVC 4 and entity framework 5.0, i have a database and this database contains 6 tables named as following. tblUser_…

c# entity-framework-5 sql-server-2014 sql-server-2014-express
Entitiy insert data."The property 'ID' is part of the object's key information and cannot be modified" error

current is new instance of myclass and context.classRepo.bringcontentwithid(userid) return an instance of it. I assign this value … entity-framework-5 identity-insert
MVC 4 Model in Separate Class Library Assembly (using EF 5)

I have a class library which contains all of my Entity Framework code. I'm developing an solution that involves several …

entity-framework entity-framework-5
Why does the Entity Framework generate nested SQL queries?

Why does the Entity Framework generate nested SQL queries? I have this code var db = new Context(); var result = db.…

c# mysql linq entity-framework entity-framework-5