Top "Ember.js" questions


Violating Content Security Policy directive after ember-cli 0.0.47 upgrade

I upgraded my ember-cli app to 0.0.47 and am now getting a bunch of errors in my browser console related to …

ember.js ember-cli content-security-policy
SetTimeout vs. in an ember app?

Inside my handlebars template: Today's date: {{currentDate}} Current Time: {{currentTime}} Inside my helpers: Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper 'currentDate', (option) -> …

ember.js handlebars.js momentjs
How to push/pop arrays in Ember.js?

I can include an array in an Ember object, and display the contents using Handlebars. However, I can only replace …

javascript sproutcore ember.js
Combine linkTo and action helpers in Ember.js

I need to combine linkTo and action helpers in Ember.js. My code is: {{#link-to 'index'}}<span {{action 'clear'}}&…

javascript ember.js handlebars.js htmlbars ember-components
Trigger an action on the change event with Ember.js checkbox input helper?

How can I fire a named action upon changing a checkbox in Ember.js? Any help will be greatly appreciated. …

Sane way to concat string and variable in Handlebars.js helper argument?

I'm trying to build a simple modal component in Ember, but it seems the "logic-less" of Handlebars is too illogical …

ember.js handlebars.js custom-component
Accessing Index in #each in emberjs

Please check out the code attached I am trying to access the index using {{@index}} but …

javascript ember.js handlebars.js
Ember.js or Backbone.js for Restful backend

I already know that ember.js is a more heavy weight approach in contrast to backbone.js. I read a …

ruby-on-rails rest backbone.js ember.js frontend
How to use multiple models with a single route in EmberJS / Ember Data?

From reading the docs, it looks like you have to (or should) assign a model to a route like so: …

ember.js ember-data
Frontend javascript frameworks with node.js

I am starting to learn frontend JavaScript frameworks like Backbone.js or Embers.js and I wanted to do some …

javascript node.js backbone.js ember.js javascript-framework