Top "Ember.js" questions


How do you create a custom adapter for ember.js?

I'm planning on using ember.js, however my REST api doesn't exactly align with the packaged REST Adapter. I would …

javascript ajax rest ember.js
Assigning 'active' class to selected list item in EmberJS

I have a list and I'd like to set one item as class="active" automatically. Given the following bootstrap code: &…

Ember: how do you access the model from the router?

Based on what I've read (please correct me if I'm mistaken), the logic that handles when a model should be …

ember.js coffeescript
Ember.js array as model's property

Cheers! I have some model, and one attribute of it is an array, but for some reasons (I use mongoDB …

javascript ember.js ember-data
In Ember.js, what is the difference between [] and Ember.A([])?

While looking through apps written with Ember.js, I noticed that sometimes arrays are defined with a call to Ember.…

Ember: Get route instance from the controller

I have a multi-step flow that the user can go through sequentially or jump straight to a section (if the …

Emberjs Handlebars precompiling

My Emberjs app is running slowly so I wanted to precompile my template to ease the runtime a bit. However …

ember.js handlebars.js
Ember transitionToRoute cleanly in a component without sendAction

How can transitionToRoute be called cleanly from within an Ember component? It works with injecting a controller into the component …

{{content-for 'head'}} Ember-cli

I've been using Yeoman ember generator for the past 1 month and now, I'd like to give ember-cli a try. I …

ember.js ember-cli
How to pass API keys in environment variables to Ember CLI using process.env?

How do I pass environment variables from bashrc to Ember CLI. I imagine a situation where you need stripe api …

ember.js ember-cli ember-router