Top "Elisp" questions

Emacs Lisp is the extension language for the GNU Emacs text editor, and in fact, most of the functionality of Emacs is implemented using Emacs Lisp.

how to delete the repeat lines in emacs

I have a text with a lots of lines, my question is how to delete the repeat lines in emacs? …

emacs elisp
What does "s-[keyname]" refer to in Emacs, and how do I tell Emacs to ignore it?

Background information: I'm on a Mac, and I've just upgraded to Emacs 23.1 via There are a few …

macos emacs elisp
What is "with-eval-after-load" in Emacs Lisp

I came across the macro with-eval-after-load when trying to install persp-mode from here. But I am unable to find the …

emacs macros elisp
How to "URL decode" a string in Emacs Lisp?

I've got a string like "foo%20bar" and I want "foo bar" out of it. I know there's got to …

url emacs elisp urlencode urldecode