Top "Elisp" questions

Emacs Lisp is the extension language for the GNU Emacs text editor, and in fact, most of the functionality of Emacs is implemented using Emacs Lisp.

How to sum a list of numbers in Emacs Lisp?

This works: (+ 1 2 3) 6 This doesn't work: (+ '(1 2 3)) This works if 'cl-*' is loaded: (reduce '+ '(1 2 3)) 6 If reduce were always …

emacs elisp
Concatenate strings in elisp

I need to concatenate path string as follows, so I added the following lines to my .emacs file: (setq org_…

emacs elisp
Command to clear shell while using emacs shell

Is there a builtin command to clear shell while using shell in emacs? If not, is there an elisp function …

shell emacs elisp
"Wrong type argument: commandp" error when binding a lambda to a key

I am getting a "Wrong type argument: commandp, (lambda nil (forward-line 5))" here. (global-set-key [?\M-n] (lambda () (forward-line 5))) What is the error? …

emacs elisp
emacs, unsplit a particular window split

This may be stupid question, but I could not find direct solution to this. I often want to unsplit window …

emacs elisp
How easily change font size in spacemacs?

How do change the font size in spacemacs? Do I need to download additional packages such as source code font? …

emacs elisp spacemacs
In Emacs Lisp, how do I check if a variable is defined?

In Emacs Lisp, how do I check if a variable is defined?

emacs lisp elisp
How can I check if a file exists using Emacs Lisp?

I would like emacs to mark files that are generated as read-only when they're opened. The part of the puzzle …

emacs elisp
Emacs - Error when calling (server-start)

I am currently using GNU Emacs in Windows Vista SP1. In my .emacs file I make a call to (server-start) …

windows emacs elisp dot-emacs server-mode
lisp filter out results from list not matching predicate

I am trying to learn lisp, using emacs dialect and I have a question. let us say list has some …

list lisp filter elisp predicate