Top "Dot-emacs" questions

.emacs (dot-emacs where the initial period causes problems) is the name of the main configuration file of the emacs text editor.

Setting Emacs 24 color theme from .emacs

I have the following code in my .emacs: (if (null window-system) (progn (require 'color-theme) (color-theme-initialize) (color-theme-simple-1))) When I open Emacs …

emacs dot-emacs emacs24
How do I byte-compile everything in my .emacs.d directory?

I have decided to check out Emacs, and I liked it very much. Now, I'm using the Emacs Starter Kit, …

emacs elisp bytecode dot-emacs
How to have Emacs auto-refresh all buffers when files have changed on disk?

I have a non-emacs global search and replace function that causes my disk files to become more up-to-date than my …

emacs elisp dot-emacs
PATH and exec-path set, but emacs does not find executable

My .emacs contains (setenv "PATH" (concat ".:/usr/texbin:/opt/local/bin" (getenv "PATH"))) (setq exec-path (append exec-path '(".:/usr/texbin:/…

emacs dot-emacs
what is custom-set-variables and faces in my .emacs?

this is in my .emacs can I mess with it or not? (custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. ;; If you …

emacs dot-emacs emacs-faces
Emacs - Error when calling (server-start)

I am currently using GNU Emacs in Windows Vista SP1. In my .emacs file I make a call to (server-start) …

windows emacs elisp dot-emacs server-mode
How to save a list of all the installed packages in Emacs 24?

I am using prelude as a base Emacs configuration. I have installed lots of packages from the package manager, and …

emacs emacs24 dot-emacs emacs-prelude
why cant emacs 24 find a custom theme I added?

My entire emacs setup is here I loaded my init-theme.el file here And supposedly that should make the darkclean …

emacs dot-emacs emacs24
When opening 2 files in emacs, how can I have them appear side-by-side?

Sometimes I launch emacs from the command line with 2 files, as follows: emacs foo.txt bar.txt This opens the …

emacs dot-emacs
.emacs Edit to Always Start Emacs in Terminal Mode?

I use emacs as my editor-of-choice, and since I'm doing a lot of work in a terminal I always run …

emacs dot-emacs