Top "Dvorak" questions

An alternative keyboard layout optimized for typing English with less finger movement than the traditional QWERTY layout, making it easier to learn than QWERTY and allowing for higher typing speeds.

An Ideal Keyboard Layout for Programming

I often hear complaints that programming languages that make heavy use of symbols for brevity, most notably C and C++ (…

language-agnostic keyboard-layout dvorak qwerty
Left Ctrl + Shift switches my keyboard to Dvorak and I would like to stop it from changing

Some time ago on XP I was considering switching to Dvorak and I found this little program on line, "click …

Is Dvorak typing appropriate for programming?

I'm always looking for ways to be more productive, and I've been reading a lot about typing using a Dvorak …

typing dvorak
Are alternative keyboard layouts like Dvorak, Colemak, etc. better than QWERTY?

There are many alternative keyboards to the standard US keyboard layout (called QWERTY). Some examples include Dvorak, (and variants like …

keyboard keyboard-layout dvorak qwerty
Thinking of switching to Programmer Dvorak layout

I have been programming for quite a while and I have been told about the "Programmer Dvorak" keyboard layout. It …

What is the best way to learn Touch Typing?

Duplicate How do I improve my Typing Skills?.** I tried the test on I reach only: …

keyboard performance dvorak
Mac Style "Dvorak - Qwerty Command" keyboard mapping for Windows?

I would be interested in switching to Dvorak keyboard layout. The problem that everyone runs into is that common programming* …

windows keyboard dvorak qwerty
Dvorak typers, how do you handle shortcuts like Ctrl-C?

Do you change the key binding in the OS to be, i.e., Ctrl-Q? Do you manage to stretch your …

keyboard keyboard-shortcuts dvorak